My “Why” for My Business

My Why for running my own Mary Kay business to provide for my family so I can provide career coaching for single moms who are struggling to provide for their families for free. The coaching will included one-on-one coaching, group coaching, a personal development course, a workbook for the PD course, and three 15 minuteContinue reading “My “Why” for My Business”

The Shirley Rockland Scholarship

Help struggling single mom find careers that allow them to thrive as they support their families. This scholarship will allow single moms to gain independency and show them the value they possess. To give to the scholarship go to If you want any more information on this scholarship, please contact me. If you areContinue reading “The Shirley Rockland Scholarship”

Train Your Brain #2

One of the most powerful tools we have for success is self-education. In 2023, we have so many tools to self-educate. One of the dangers of a formal education is stopping the learning when we complete the degree. Some people believe they have all the knowledge when they graduate, which is untrue because knowledge isContinue reading “Train Your Brain #2”