How to Succeed in Business!

Dr. Tina White +1-903-213-2904

Business & Balance

She’s Snow Paparazzi Post (214) 356-3477

Authentic Connections

She’s Snow Facebook Live It is important to have an authentic Facebook Live or connections with your audience and customers. The video I am providing is an example of my daughter and I being ourselves on video. (214) 356-3477

Vision Board

Make your motivation board. You will put this on the wall or use it as your computer wallpaper. You can create a poster board with pictures and words that are meaningful to you. This will represent your why. Why you get up every morning and complete the daily strategic tasks that move you closer andContinue reading “Vision Board”

Create a Mastermind Group

It is important to create a mastermind group. This is something that many successful businessmen and woman do for their businesses. What about for those who are small business owners, owners of direct sales businesses, or just a person working every day to become successful in life. All of us need to create a mastermindContinue reading “Create a Mastermind Group”