Purpose Questions

The purpose is also called a calling. Comedian and Leader Steve Harvey says, “A career you get paid for, but your calling is what you are made for.” When you move from merely looking for a way to make money to a way you can change the lives around you and eventually the world, youContinue reading “Purpose Questions”

Vision Board

Make your motivation board. You will put this on the wall or use it as your computer wallpaper. You can create a poster board with pictures and words that are meaningful to you. This will represent your why. Why you get up every morning and complete the daily strategic tasks that move you closer andContinue reading “Vision Board”

Finding What You Love

We all have one life to live. In our life, we need to find what we love to do and throw all our energy into working on that passion. There are several things we need to do to do what we love. For the next few weeks,  I will discuss what we need to doContinue reading “Finding What You Love”